We believe in a shared responsibility in protecting our planet, and there is no doubt that large-scale events can have a negative impact on the environment. We make it our mission to collaborate with our supply chain and our partners to reduce our footprint wherever we can.
With this in mind, here are some recommendations of ways you can reduce your footprint when planning for TMS 2023:
● If you and your team are travelling to London, we recommend using public transport to get there. If you have to travel internationally, try to avoid flying and instead use international rail where you can (travelling by international rail instead of short haul flight can reduce your travel emissions by between 70-93%!). If flying is unavoidable, try to fly economy class rather than business class (flying economy has 2.6 - 4.3% lower impact per passenger compared to a business class flight.)
● When you’re in London, try to avoid taxis and instead use the network of public transport in the city - or even better, take a walk or a bike ride. If taxis are unavoidable, try to car share with other team members and attendees.
● Encourage your exhibition booth designers to recommend more sustainable materials, lighting ideas and branding formats to bring your space to life - ask for design recommendations that can be used for multiple events, and whether the materials used are recycled/recyclable (like reclaimed or recycled timber, recycled metals, projections, reusable branding, eco-friendly paint and avoid plastic, polystyrene, composite wood and vinyl graphics.).
● If you are serving catering at your booth, consider serving plant-based menus (which can reduce catering emissions by up to 90%!), and locally sourced ingredients/drinks.
● ExCeL has multiple water stations throughout, so if you have your own reusable water bottle, please bring it along and help us reduce single-use plastic waste.
● We are reducing the amount of printed materials we use at this event including signage and printed handouts - and we hope you can too! Alternatively, we’ll be introducing more digital signage and materials.
● We are encouraging our exhibitors and partners to reduce the amount of branded giveaways they produce too - consider a digital gift, or carbon balancing/climate-positive opportunity instead.